Broken Crocus

Spring Crocus in bloom
Broken under careless foot
Beautiful still

Friday, December 3, 2010

Humanity is, of its own accord, a cosmic conundrum held together by sticky threads of irony

If 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water and humans are made up of roughly 70% water, why do we have to pay for it?

What fashion statement is a nudist making? And what do they do when it snows? I know you’re going to say they live in a snow-free climate, but... these days? Really?

Why is 53% considered a good voting turn out?

We can put people on the moon, so why can’t we park our cars straight without those little yellow lines?

Why do we insist that French fries are vegetables?

Why do we think we’re so important that we have to drive and talk on the phone both at the same time?

Why do we call any schnook who does a good deed a “good Samaritan” when the point of the original story was to show compassion for an enemy?

Why do we struggle to buy gifts for people who have everything?

We’ve been sent many teachers to guide us. They all had similar messages. Why do most of us think we have to pick just one and fight over it with those who pick another?

I know, religion and politics are off limits, but how does one talk about human irony without them? Just another sticky irony, eh? Or is it a conundrum?

If you can, please give to those less fortunate this holiday season. If you’re one of those armchair philosophers who’s going to say this doesn’t really help anyone, kindness always helps. If you don't want to give, don't give. That's what freedom is all about. But don't look for validation from others. Just keep your excuses.

A box of food is a short-term help to those going through a temporary downturn in fortune. Non-perishable food items to a food bank in your community is a great way to reach out to others in need. And Gifts of Magic via Unicef, as well as Gifts of Hope via Plan, are longer-term international giving options for those who have everything.

There are many other worthy caring options in most communities as well, such as hospital funds, meals for the elderly and homeless, wildlife and animal shelters or programs, and more. Sharing the challenges along with the benefits is what community is really all about.

Happy xmasolstichanakwanzadan ... hehe. (Full credit to Jo Qatana for this amalgamation of seasonal holidays.) Have a safe, warm holiday season filled with love and many bright blessings.

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