Broken Crocus

Spring Crocus in bloom
Broken under careless foot
Beautiful still

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's Picklin' Time!

As well as the local market on Saturdays, which I blogged about below, there's a larger flea market a few communities away, near the farm where we buy our organic chicken and bison burgers. It takes place on Thursdays and Sundays.
The difference between a farmers' market and a flea market is that the former has produce and food products, such as cheeses, meats, smoked fish and baking, etc., and plants, and not too much else. The flea market has all this, as well as t-shirts, socks, toys, books, records, (yes.. not a brain fart.. RECORDS), collectibles, jewellery and more. This larger market is usually the first to have dill cukes. So while my daughter perused the clothing and music stands, I went 'round to all the produce stalls to check out the wee cukes.

We got there a bit late, and there was a storm being called for, so vendors were already packing up. For me, that was a good thing, because produce vendors don't generally want to take their products home again. I picked up some bargains, including 3 baskets of lovely looking dill cukes.

So, today I shall make dills. It's hot and humid out, so working over hot brine is going to be a drippy experience. But if you don't work up a good sweat making pickles, you ain't doin' something right. ;o)

Picklin' time!!


  1. Recipe? Do you use vinegar or just salt? I made some with just salt a few nights ago and I'm anxious to taste them (just put them in the fridge tonight!) I *have to* learn how to preserve with a canner!! Wish you were close enough to teach me!

  2. I don't use a canner. I just sterilize my bottles and lids and make sure my brine is rapidly boiling when I pour it over the cukes. :) Haven't poisoned anyone yet. 'course, you can always use a canner if you like. And yep, I have a recipe. I'd be happy to give it to you privately. See, I ran out of something I needed years ago, and I substituted. I thought, "oh these pickles aren't going to be any good." But they turned out to be the best; people are always asking me for my pickles. Lemme know if you'd like to try it! :)
