Broken Crocus

Spring Crocus in bloom
Broken under careless foot
Beautiful still

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What a Rough Time to be Christian!

I really just want to salute you genuine Christians, you know who you are. For the rest of you, I'm talking about those caring Christians who actually believe in love, humility and the compassion for others that Jesus taught.

It must be a tough time to be a real Christian, when your faith has pretty much been hi-jacked by some bat-shit crazy, homophobic, misogynistic, right wing zealots who apparently think that Christianity is all about hate and intolerance. Oy.

I'm not big on religion in general. Following only one of the great masters who came among us to guide us tends to lead to conflict. I'm a spiritualist who tries to learn something from them all, so I don't label myself. Still, I am a student of the lessons of Jesus, and what some of these zealots are preaching in his name is shameful ... to the point of obscenity.

So, to those of you who follow the genuine lessons of Jesus, hang in there. Hopefully this darkness too shall pass.