Broken Crocus

Spring Crocus in bloom
Broken under careless foot
Beautiful still

Friday, September 20, 2013

What'll they think of next??

Is it possible I’m getting old? I’m in that "what will they think of next?" mode a lot lately.

I mean, I remember actually having to get up to change the channel on the television. Heck, I learned to type on a big, heavy manual typewriter. Remember those? Of course, I still have to get up to turn on the lights, and remember to turn them off before bed.  There's something comforting about this.  I think.

The TV? These days, I don’t really get to have much say over what’s on. Even if I was to actually get up and hit some buttons on the receiver, it wouldn’t help. See, my husband is a remote hog. Oh yes, he just must have that thing in his hands, even during a program we’re watching. I think it’s the only time he ever thinks ahead, clicking to see what’s coming on later, even as a program we’re watching is playing. And if he loses track of the remote it’s blind panic as he searches for it under pillows, couch cushions, etc. He MUST have that remote in his hands.

Sometimes my daughter borrows our remote, like when hers is under her bed and she doesn’t want to get down on all fours to get it. When she returns it, she usually gives it to me, with a suspicious glance at her father, the remote hog. I’ll set it on the arm of my chair and turn my attention back to the TV. You know, I don’t have a clue how he does it, but when I check on that remote it’s always gone. I never even see him move from the couch, but there’s that remote in his hand again. It’s as if it’s attached to a fishing line and all he has to do is reel it in.

So imagine discovering, to my horror, that "they’ve" come up with a newfangled kind of electric switch, an automatic switch for lights, doorbells, etc., that even has a smart phone application. Hmmmm... wait, come to think of it, I don’t really know if this is going to be a new toy for hubby to play with, or if it’ll actually reduce his kingly power over the household. I mean, it’s automatic, turning on lights when it gets dark, turning them off when it gets light. It just might confuse him!!

Tsk, what will they think of next? Anyway, this is a heads up of what’s coming, ladies. Check it out!