Broken Crocus

Spring Crocus in bloom
Broken under careless foot
Beautiful still

Friday, June 18, 2010

Victory Garden?

During WWII there was a food shortage, which made it difficult to put food on the table for the family. One solution was the victory garden where household after household dug up that lawn and grew carrots for the night-fighters... um.. no, I mean veggies for the family. (Containers work too.)

There are compelling reasons why victory gardens are being encouraged again now, not the least of which is economic downturn, crop failure, weather anomolies, etc. Michelle Obama is showing people how by growing a vege garden at the white house and involving her kids in the process. Ellen DeGeneres has put in her oar by having garden people on her show to demonstrate, and by starting her own.. she says. ;o)

The city of San Francisco has a Victory Garden program begun in 2008 to "support the transition of backyard, front yard, window boxes, roof tops, and unused land into organic food production.."

I enjoy gardening. I grow veges, as well as plants to attract butterflies and bees, etc. (If you attract the bees, they will help your vege garden.) Thing is, I love veges. Yes.. no kidding ~ I actually EAT them. I think they're YUMMY. Back in the day people thought of veges as good food too. Yet, these days I have a suspicion that there'd be more victory gardens in North America if one could grow ... you know... take out burgers and fries?

Here is my chicken nugget bush... lots of fat here. They're under the daisies there, near the toadstool where the fae people gather at midnight.

These plants grow fries, but you have to look carefully under the leaves. They're in the dirt... I know.. ick. But really, all you have to do is wash 'em, then add lots of fat and table salt to increase blood pressure and heart disease. Easy.

Yep ~ gardening... good stuff.

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